A God Who Sees

Lord, you are near.

When my son’s disability weighs upon my heart, I am reminded that You have the ability to accomplish every purpose you have planned for him.

I do not fully understand the world in which my little boy lives, but You do. I do not know his thoughts and do not know all his ways, but You do. You love him with a love that is beyond all comprehension. You go before him. You know him by name. Even when he hides himself in the darkest corner, You see him. There is no place he can run that would escape the view of his loving Heavenly Father.

You rejoice over the smallest of his accomplishments. It brings a smile to Your face when he dances to songs of praise. And oh, how it must fill Your heart with joy when he whispers one of the few words he knows by heart, “Jesus.”

Yes, he is fearfully and wonderfully made. He was made in Your image. He is Your child. I praise You that You are a God that loves with an unconditional love in a world full of conditions. I trust that You reveal Yourself to him and that he knows You in his own very special way. Lord, I ask that You wrap Your loving arms around him so that he may feel secure, calm his mind and his heart so that he can experience peace, and give him the strength to break through the barriers that overwhelm him so.

Lord, I thank you that I am not on this journey alone. When I feel stretched in every direction, You calm my spirit. When the demands of life begin to overwhelm, I am reminded that You are life. I can trust in Your word. I can claim your truths in my life.

As I strive, stretch, and search for daily strength, I am never on my own. My prayers do not go unheard. You collect every tear that I've cried. When my son softly touches my face with his little hands, You are there. When he flashes his beautiful smile, You smile too. Every step taken, word spoken, kiss given, and hug offered is a victory that You rejoice over with me. When I lay awake in bed and listen to my child’s unsettling screams and sounds, You are there. Though I can sometimes be physically worn, You are the healer of my soul. When frustrations and fears creep in, it is You who offers peace. You know my heart even when I cannot put into words the burden it carries. No words are needed in the presence of the Lord Almighty because You know your children.  

I praise You that You are a God who sees. There is nothing that goes unnoticed by You. Even with all of the cleaned up spills, picked up toys, kissed boo boos, refilled sippy cups, and sandwiches made, You are there. In the moments of aggression, meltdowns, stares from strangers, comments, crying, and throwing, You do not turn Your head. You are near. You are ever constant.

This journey of Autism is not an easy one. This journey of Autism is a life long journey. Lord, I thank you that we are not in this alone. I praise you for the sweet victories. I praise you for the storms. Thank you that You are a God who sees. Let this be a journey that brings glory, honor, and praise to Your name. Amen.